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for whatever ramblings i want to go on about...

A list of things I'd like to do with this:

- Talk about my thoughts on building conventions - becoming stagnant with using techniques from other builds that got them from other builds that got them from other builds etc. Specifically rockwork, and also how we don't create new themes and stick to set ideas

- Why I find early 2010s builds far more interesting - limited parts selection, harsher angles, not prioritising NPU, and a style that understands what the brick can do best. Followed by where and why I think current styles don't work for me.

- A retrospective on my mocs: where I think there are stylistic changes and where I gained confidence

- My thoughts on the lego community as a whole: are we letting freaks get out of hand and are we not critical enough?

- Interviews: I'd love to just talk to some builders with unique styles about their inspiration, how they build, and what they want to see in the future

- And I think to sumarise my points, some conclusion about what I want to see more of, but also what I personally want to do going forwards

- And maybe make a page for floodland...


i've been thinking lately - a little too much - but today i've just been doing a retrospect on my mocs (i should be revising for the tests i have this coming week but oh well!!). i kinda just want to go through each thing i've made in the past 5 years, and just talk through where i think i've come. or at least the builds i think signify a stepping stone so ofc, i gotta start with Brikwars!

may 2020

this is my first official post on flickr, and i think it shows. this was made for the tabletop wargame 'Brikwars' for my faction 'Minaglacia'. i dont think i thought i was a terrible builder at this point, but i had ambition to be better - my main inspirations were fellow community members aoffan and ninja_bait; both of who i still find major inspirations today. you can already tell at this point i have a nice camera, but that can't save a bad build.

but although i don't think it's great, i love it nonetheless. at this point i could tell i wasn't great at building, but i didn't overstretch my skill - which i wouldn't say is a great mentality but here it does keep them presentable. a clear simple 'boxy' style.

September 2020 (SHIPtember)